When Nature Strikes Your Car: What Does Your Insurance Cover?

by Elijah Steward

Car owners can prevent car accidents by being alert and practicing defensive driving techniques, but some incidents involving your vehicle may be out of your control. When accidents occur due to storms and other nature-related issues, you'll want to make sure you have the right auto insurance. Understanding what your policy covers is one of the best ways to prepare for when disaster strikes your car. Here are three different scenarios that can be covered with a comprehensive car insurance policy.

Your Car Hits A Deer

Deer can cause serious accidents, which can include damage to your vehicle and/or personal injuries to you and your passengers. It is estimated that there were 1.23 million vehicle accidents involving deer between June 2011 and July 2012. Deer can enter the roadway in rural and urban areas, so it is important for drivers to always be on alert to try to avoid colliding with a deer. If you are involved in an accident with a deer, you'll need comprehensive car coverage. You'll want to consider the cost of repairs to your vehicle and weigh them against the amount of your insurance deductible to determine whether or not you should file a claim. In some cases, your deductible may be higher than the actual cost of repairs.

A Tree Falls On Your Car

A tree falling on your car can be devastating. Depending on the size of the tree, your vehicle may be completely totaled after a storm. While there are different types of insurance policies that cover this type of situation, it is a bit more complicated than some other types of disasters and acts of Nature.

If the tree that falls on your vehicle is on your property, your homeowner's insurance policy will not cover the damages. If, however, the tree belongs to a neighbor and you and your insurance company can prove the neighbor was negligent in caring for the tree, his or her homeowner's policy may cover the damage. When no one's homeowner's insurance policy qualifies to cover the damage caused by a falling tree, you'll need to file a claim against your comprehensive auto insurance policy. If you have lots of trees on your property or you park your vehicle on the street fairly often, it may be a good idea to consider comprehensive coverage to protect you and your car from falling trees.

Hail Damage

Hail damage is another natural disaster that is typically covered by comprehensive insurance. While hail might not damage your car in the same way as a deer or tree, it can still cause some serious headaches for car owners. Hail can cause shattered windshields and windows and significant dent's in a car's body. If the damage is minor, such as a few scuffs in your paint, you may want to go ahead and have the repairs performed without filing a claim with your insurance company. If, however, the estimate for repairs exceeds your deductible, filing a claim with your insurance company might be the right move.

Nature can strike your car at any time. Having the right insurance policy can ensure you won't have to pay out of pocket for all the damage caused by a deer, tree or hail. Talk to your insurance agent about choosing the right deductible and coverage amount for your needs and your area so you can get the best coverage possible.

For more information, contact a company like ESI Insurance Agency.
