5 Obscure Auto Insurance Discounts To Look Out For

by Elijah Steward

Auto insurance is something that every driver needs but dreads paying for. In 2014, drivers across the United States paid an average of $907.38 in auto insurance premiums. Given today's high auto insurance rates, it's little wonder that many drivers are always on the hunt for just about any discount.

However, there are a few auto insurance discounts that even the savviest driver has yet to stumble upon. Here's a brief list of discounts you might qualify for, but haven't noticed.

Good Credit Score Discount

It's no secret that having a good credit score can open plenty of doors for you. In some cases, it can even get you a discount on your auto insurance rates. It's not a widespread practice, as a few states (Hawaii, Massachusetts and California) prohibit the use of credit card scores for determining rates.

If your credit score is less-than-pristine, don't worry. Many auto insurance providers will overlook your credit score if you have a sterling driving record.

Exclusive Group Discount

If you're a current member of a credit union, nonprofit organization or alumni association, then you may qualify for an exclusive group discount. Most insurance providers offer partnerships with various companies and associations to provide those members with exclusive discounts. It's usually a good idea to check with your auto insurance provider to see if the company or organization you work for or belong to qualifies for an exclusive group discount.

Telemetric Discount

Insurance companies are always interested in new ways of gathering information about their customers and their driving habits. As a result, some insurers may give you a big break on your auto insurance rates by installing a telemetric device in your vehicle. This device tracks several aspects of your driving habits, including how much you actually drive, when you drive and how you behave on the road.

If you don't drive often, you may see even bigger savings by taking advantage of usage-based insurance, which also relies on telemetric information. With this insurance, you'll only pay for the miles you actually drive each month.

Preferred Payment Method Discount

Many auto insurance providers offer small discounts for customers who use their preferred payment method, such as automatic payment via credit card or bank account. You may also get additional savings if you pay your entire bi-annual or annual premium in full upfront.

Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Discount

Owning a hybrid or electric vehicle not only helps save the environment, but it may also help you save a little money on your insurance. Your auto insurance provider may offer a discount for owning or leasing a hybrid or electric vehicle.

Keep these discounts in mind when talking with insurance agents, like those at Woodmansee Insurance Inc, and ask about other options available. 
